What kind of person or what sitauation do you wish there were a story about? Have you read any other good books or articles about this person already? Please tell me why it is important to you, or interests you, and how old you are. I am gathering ideas from kids everywhere for a class I am taking, and I may just write a story for you if I like your answer. Thanks!
Dan: Thanks! I am a single yuong adult, and never had much of a normal "Childhood". I am curious to hear what kids of ALL age ranges are interested in and care about. The only difference is that the book gets written differently. 🙂
Oh yes- love the ideas so far- and we ARE all kids if we wanna be!!

How to find out if I have physical damage in my HD? I have Windows 2000
Do I need special software for that?

i want to know which registry cleaner is best for windows vista

It takes me where you type a user name; But right after I click on it, it takes right to the same place (the user name). This happens right after i was trying to get rid of some viruses.

I clean up the registry and run anti-virus program to get rid of the virus, but now, i have this problem. Probably is a boot file that is missing, but do do i know which it is?

And then, how do i log in and install it – It wont let me log in.