when I upgraded to windows xp, I had no problem with the video card and driver, but now starting new with a clean install, windows xp on it’s own says, this driver wasn’t designed for windows xp, and it won’t install it.

what can I do to make it take the driver, I already know it works fine, it just won’t take it.

I am more used to PC’s and would like to know if there are files to clean off like on a PC…. (id heard they get placed in differant locations and just wondered how to maintain my Mac) im not proficient in macintosh but can get around one pretty well… just wanting to keep it working to its best ability. I have a G5 and no virus protection…(do macs need VP) thanks all!

I first had avast antivirus but it said it was out of date and needed an update, so i tried to update it but it wouldn’t work.

So i downloaded avg(the free version) and my windows secruity thing pops up and says "your virus protection is out of date" RIGHT AFTER I DOWNLOADED IT.

How do i fix this?

I am trouble finding a program that can recover bad sectors on my drive, so I can backup my files/data. I have faithfully backup my drives often, but this just suddenly happened without warning . I have a Second Maxtor Hard Drive for backing up data and since there owned by Seagate. I used there diagnostic program to check the drive out which fix’s any errors afterwords. But freeze’s quarter of the way through and can’t get it to finish. I have tried UBootCD and many free programs, but no luck. I have tried to backing up the drive with UBootCD tools, Windows XP Backup program and some others that are free to download. It backup the some the files on the drive that are not bad part of the drive ( bad sectors) , but not all of my files. So need help badly to find a good program can repair the bad sectors and then backup my files/data without losing them. Or finding a program that can backup my files/data even if there is bad sectors. Which I don’t know if you can? Please help me out! I am lost and may lose my DATA.

im new to this. My computer memory is almost used up I want to completely wipe it so its like new. I have some programs I want to back up to CD so I can keep them but I dont know how. Also are their any programs I specifically need to put on the disk? like will internet explorer and basic programs like that be on it? I just want to know how to erase the hard drives so its like new