I tried Windows Live One Care virus protection recently, but my trial just expired. I was wondering if there was a similar virus protection (one with real-time and automatic updates) that I could download for free or free to try. And if so where can I download it at? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
What is the best real-time virus protection?
will registry cleaners fix computer errors?
Everytime I type words like "fix computer errors" on the searh bar here on yahoo answers I always see websites on the right side of yahoo answers saying something like fix computer errors, and when I click them they are registry fixers or cleaners.
I just want to clean my computer off so it will generally run faster. All the programs I do not use anymore I want totally gone, and I find when I uninstall things from the control panel, the files and folders are still in my Program Files folder. I know to perform defrag, error checking, and virus scans, but since my C drive is getting full, I need to clear a bunch of stuff off so its like semi-new and runs faster. Any suggestion on how I should do this?
Norton virus scanning keeps on popping up and wants to clean my computer. Is this something offered thru Yah?
or AT&T? is it free? do I correct the errors? Basically, is this an outside company or do u suggest using it?