I hope someone can help me with this. I just added McAfee Total Protection software to my computer. Now when I restart my computer I receive the following error message: Object doesn’t support this action line: 19 misp://McRegUpd.dll::JClassFactory.js

What can I do to fix this? It’s just annoying to see this message pop up everything my computer starts.


Do I need to clean my hard drive before I install new leapord? How do I clean hard drive.

Clean computer?

how can you keep your laptop screen clean and stop collecting dust, i even always wash it!!! ahh.. i never touch it either.

wat is this and is it safe
and wat is the best software out there

When I bought my computer at Best Buy, they installed Norton. Now everytime I turn my computer on, it says I need to update and puts me thru heck trying to log on until I push Cancel. It says my protection has expired. I just want it off there and need to know how to get free virus protection. How can I get that off my computer?