I used to be able to burn cd’s with my roxio burner until i accidentally uninstalled something in my remove programs file. now the computer wont let me burn because my DLL was not found. what do i do? i have no windows cd, no money to buy repair software and do i still have my roxio installed?
How do i get back the DLL i used to have on my pc?
How to clean up a failing computer?
A family member has a failing computer running XP Pro whereas I have a spare drive on my own computer with an unused XP Pro installation already set up. My idea is to back up all his files/folders etc using the Back Up facility within Windows Live OneCare and then set him up on my spare drive. All XP installations in this house have passed Microsoft validation however, he does not have an installation CD but I can get his Product Key. I have two questions. What is the best method of preparing a computer for a fresh installation of XP Pro (is formatting the HDD too extreme)? Secondly, if I use my installation CD to re-install XP Pro on his computer but when the time comes to enter a Product Key, I enter HIS Product Key rather than my own, can that work? Are Product Keys only specific to the program/application being installed or are they specific to the individual installation CD being used?
Is it safe to delete invalid registry entries?
I have Easy Cleaner 2.0 on my Windows XP PC. Upon running the Registry cleaner, it came up with 220 invalid entries. Is it safe to delete these? Should I somehow backup my system before I delete them?
Why does my Computer freeze?
I have a Dell Lattitude 620 with 2 GB RAM, Windows XP SP2. I find that it hangs / freezes during use all of a sudden. mouse, keyboard nothing works. I have no choice to boot it again.
I have tried to look at the Event Log Applications, System, etc. Do not find any entry that would help me identify the problem.
Would like to know how best I can go about identifying the problem. Is it some software? Is it hardware issue?
I had done a diagnostic boot some time back and found DST error and replaced the hard-disc. Defragged it too. This too has not solved the problem.
Will appreciate ideas from you.
how can i obtain a product key code to validate windows before my thirty days are up?