My computer can’t update windows software. Maybe infected by trojan horse virus and can’t remove, clean it. Please help me.

Hey people, ive seen how much people have there own free registry cleaner and i was wondering if there is any codes "html etc.." for visual basic fo me to create one if so pleasse help.

I would like to restore my pc back to before a point where HP Advisor was present as it has now disappeared.

I’ve seen a few people on here asking for links for free registry cleaners so I’m posting these links for a complete pc security a/v anti-spy anti hacker firewall and registry cleaner. for a great free ware a/v.. for Zone Alarm basic (free) firewall for Eusing free registry cleaner
FSetup-10_217_0_beta.exe for secure browser for internet banking and other electronic financial internet stuff. for WinOptimizer2008 or WO4 and other interesting stuff on the cheap or free, let me know if you use the links and what do you think?
Hi to you 750 rider, you are wrong, totally, I run all of these on my own pc, and I advise others to run it as well, it’s very good, I can vouch for that and I am an IT practitioner with long experience, and I know my onions.
Hi Rich, well I never had to do anything like that, this is the configuration I run now, and have done for a while. I stopped running it for a couple of weeks trying out other stuff, and my pc got root kit(which I got rid of with Panda) , and loadsa other c**p so I went back to the above and it runs well. Totally pleased with it.
I use XP and don’t like Vista, maybe that’s why it runs better…..