How to clean hard drive for a HP a1720n desk top computer?

Hi, TLDR below.

Hard drive took a little spill off the desk the other day. I plugged it in, a few beep noises came FROM the HD, not the computer, and now it isn’t loading up when I try going into it. I hear the disc(s) inside running smoothly and there isn’t any abnormal sounds (other than the beeping when I first plugged it in).

Every once in awhile, it will boot up very, very slowly. Other times, it will show the make shift directories I made inside the Terabyte but nothing inside them. And as of now, it will say it is unable to find or load up the HD.

So what sort of problems am I looking at here? Is there any way I can back up some of the criteria on the HD? Is there a type of diagnostic software I can use, buy, download to scan for problem and solutions?

It is under warranty, but I would hate for me to ship it out and lose all my files without at least doing my best to fix it myself. I plan on reformatting it if I can get an unfortunate solid answer of not being able to salvage my stuff. If that doesn’t work, then I suppose I’ll just send it in.

TLDR version: HD is beeping, discs sounds like they’re running fine. HD not booting up. Has weird nature to it, sometimes it loads (very slowly) sometimes directory doesn’t exist. Need help

+10 to best answer

I have an incense burner filled with sand to hold the insence stick in place. It was on my desk where my computer is and it fell behind my desk. I picked up all the glass peices but there’s still sand all over my computer plugs! Obviously my computer is working fine. But I don’t want to break it or something by trying to clean up the sand mess. Plus, my dad will kill me if he finds out about this.

I know it’s a weird situation but any advice would be greatly appreciated!

I have a HP Pavillion DV8000T notebook that i purchased from HP directly. The notebook is 13 months old and out of warranty. My hard drive failed and I will need to have it replaced. This is the second time my hard drive has failed (previous instance was during the warranty period) My options are:
(1) Use HP and pay 0 – this includes a new hard drive and installation of MS Windows XP Media edition. It comes with only 90 day warranty.
(2) Buy the hard drive myself – I have Windows XP software. I would have my office IT desk install the hard drive and the Operating System. Cost 0.
My Concern is:Will I be able to get all the drivers that I need to get the most of my machine. This is a high end machine but I am extremely disappointed with HP service. There is only a 90 day warranty on a 0 repair which represents over 33% of what I paid for the entire machine. Since the hard drive has failed twice already-I figure if it fails again, I will buy new notebook.

I want to schedule my desk cleanup to run once a week. When I go to the Schedule Task Wizard it eventually asks me for my password. My computer to my knowledge doesn’t have a password. (When I turn the computer on it doesn’t ask for a password and this is the only time it’s ever asked me for a password.) So, I just click next, but then I get this error:

“An error has occurred while attempting to set task account information. The specific error is: 0x8007005: Access denied. You do not have permission to perform the requested operation.

What do I have to do to get the disk cleanup to run as a scheduled task? Alternatively, how can I reset my password or figure out what it is?