I want to speed my comp up get rid of all files which I can not find and I need someone help who know what they are talking about. Like I do not want to have to buy something for it when I know there is a way to do it without spending money so please may someone show me how and steps of what i have to do ?
How to de-frag your hardrive
How to speed computer up without having to spend money?
I just got my new hard drive for my Inspriron E1505!!!! To program it which cd do I start with. I’m new @ this
This is all new to me. Which cd is first and which one is last. The cd’s I have are for my computer that DELL sent me are: reinstalling Cyberlink PowerDVD 7.0 Software, reinstallation Windows XP, reinstalling Dell Inspiron Computer Software (contents: device drivers, diagnostics and utilities), reinstalling dell tools system software (antivirus software, support software, multimedia software, internet software), Roxio Creator (my dvd combo) installer, Microsoft Works Suite, reinstalling Dell MediaDirect, Netgear (for wireless router), Printer cd that I got when I got my printer. I NEED HELP PLEASE……
Do I install all of the cd’s that I have after I install the new hardrive?????
Im trying to do a clean install of windows XP, but the files are not being installed correctly, whats wrong?
I was having some problems with my windows OS and i decided to do a clean install and just reformat the hardrive, but now when i try to install windows again the system files are not being copied correctly and the install freezes when it hits 81%, any ideas what could be causing this issue?