IE 7.0 will not operate nor will outlook express yet microsoft office works fine. Firefox works fine. Norton works but only if started by going to the total programs listings not off shortcuts which appear to be corrupted. Machine is 2.0 Ghz but is slow as ….

My Windows XP Computer has been running very slow lately. I have run virus and spyware scans and removed all that I can. I was wondering about recovering my computer. Could I recover it using the Windows XP Home Edition disk and do a clean install or would that be a pain?? My computer didn’t come with actual recovery disks. If any drivers weren’t installed, would I still be able to start the computer up after I do the install? What drivers will I need?? Your help will be greatly appreciated. Also, could I just download all the necessary drivers from Microsoft without any disks or anything??? Thanks again.

After pressing F8 to accept the Microsoft agreement it brings you to the partition page that displays your hard drives and partition. The problem is that nothing shows up here for me to do anything. I’ve tested the hard drive and memory. I’ve also tried swapping drives to see what would happen, but same thing. Any advice would help, thanks everyone.

My PC takes what seems to be for ever to upload programs i.e. microsoft word. It runs extremly slow compared to my notebook. Although I do not have a large amount of memory I feel that I that I may have a lot of things running that take up memory room that I do not use. Is there a software that helps clean up and tweek a system?

Wrong OS or OS Version. What does this mean? What do I need to do about it? I’m a newbie. Thanks
MSIW.exe came from
It was their answer to Promo Soft Free Registry Cleaner – redistributable software. I have several spyware, etc. software. It is not spyware.
Thank you rangers86 – I did check. it can’t be used for Windows XP as it is already a component (is included in XP)