This question has been asked multiple times, and I have read EVERY answer (also googled internet for answer: no luck), and nothing has helped me out so far. I have iTunes (v 7.3.2) and cannot connect to the iTunes store. I get the (very common, it would seem) error that reads: "iTunes could not connect to the iTunes store. The network connection was refused. Make sure your network settings are correct and your netowork is active, then try again."

Here’s what I’ve done that has NOT worked:
-re-downloaded the same version and older versions
-cleared my DNS cache and checked settings with my isp
-run diagnostics
-called my isp again(even though i can connect just fine to the internet)
-rebooted modem/router AND plugged directly into modem
-disabled Windows firewall (and have iTunes allowed anyway)
-there is NO Norton anywhere on my computer, nor any other anti-virus software, so it’s NOT that

Why hasn’t Apple fixed this???


but STILL get malware that they can’t find and clear, or/and which ruin my registry after removing stuff: Prevx 3, the one from Malwarebytes, Ad-Aware, STOPzilla!, AVG, SpySweeper, SuperAntiSpyware, and Norton Antivirus. So what antimalwares are there that are better than these?

Will you come back and see if I have any follow-ups for your answers, please?

Thanks, if so,
I keep getting browser hijacking, 1A, 1B, 1C.tmp, etc., and random sound ads, and my programs cannot kill these! But besides that, why can I get them so SOON right after a clean reinstall of Windows (you know, that wipes the old windows folder with a new one, and quits using the old settings folders in Documents and Settings, which I then erase. So if I can’t yet format my hard disk (because not all my data is archived yet), then this should work as a clean enough reinstallation, should it not?

So there are those 2 things: How do I keep those things from reattacking me right after the new, clean install, and which program is best at it?
Oh, and XoftSpy is one I’ve tried already, too.

And yes, I do run the Windows Firewall as the immediate defense right after reinstall, but see, it doesn’t work that well., apparently you didn’t read my question very well, because I just barely said that I already tried SUPERAntiSpyware.
Yes, MB, I AM doing a clean install–but not a reformat (I don’t have the space to move my files temporarily, and I haven’t archived the stuff yet). Those are 2 different things. "Clean reinstall" doesn’t mean you have to reformat. That just means you’ve chosen to have a new copy wipe over the old folder, rather than doing what some people call an "upgrade install" (even if it’s not an upgrade) or an "in-place install" or a "repair reinstall" (which repairs hardly anything).

So no, I did not reformat my drive, but even though malware can be hooked with just about any file, they’re only active if they’re in the Windows or Documents and Settings folders, right, because while they can be attached to a lot of things, they can only run with DLLs or as .exe files, right?
Okay, MB, I still think that clean reinstallations and cleaning the drive are separate things (otherwise, what can ya call the kind of Windows installation that’s fresh even without reformatting, instead of just an "upgrade"–just a "fresh reinstall" but not a "clean reinstall"?), but your answer still sounds like a pretty good one. Thank you. I’ve been trying to finish archiving this hard disk to DVDs for some time now. I’ll try to find the funds to buy a 4th fixed hard disk (my current 2 others besides this C: are too full, too) so that I might be able to do it faster. Or maybe I’ll buy a Blu-ray burner and discs. The Blu-rays would be faster than the regular DVDs, obviously, but the 4th hard disk would be faster than the Blu-ray, even.

And thanks, France and the others, too.
JS, I’d like to apologize for giving you a thumbs-down just because you suggested SUPERAntiSpyware even though I had already said that I tried that before. You did provide some other examples that may be good, and so I’m sorry. I’ll try to find someone to give you a good thumbs-up to work against my bad one.

Have a better day tomorrow,

I’m trying to install Windows XP, Service Pack 2 on a computer. I tried to do this earlier, but the install did not finish and reverted to SP1. This computer was infected by Blaster and corrected (I believe). Now though, SP2 can’t even be downloaded (all ActiveX controls seem corrupted), Windows takes about 5 mintues to display the desktop when booted, and I can’t install any software. The computer has been scanned for rootkits (using F-Secure’s Blacklight), trojans (using Ewido), and viruses (using Norton’s). I’ve also personally cleaned the registry. Performing a clean-installation is not acceptable unfortunately because of programs installed that can’t be re-installed. Any suggestions to fix the computer? Thank you very much!

What is the best utility program for WinXP (like System Mechanic Pro, Norton Utilites, etc.) Freeware, shareware. Cleans your registry, cache, optimization, tweaks, defrag, error fixing, uninstalls, boot defrag, etc.

I have windows xp. I use ccleaner,using registry cleaner,advanced windows care v2,norton,spybot,windows defender, anymore programs I need to keep it clean and run faster it seems like its running slow i have dsl net.I ran disk cleanup and defrag. my drive.