I am looking for a good registry cleaner for my x40 laptop, running XP Pro. I have done some research on google, Registry Mechanic and CleanMyPC Registry Cleaner seem among the best,

CleanMyPC Registry Cleaner http://www.registry-cleaner.net/

Registry Mechanic http://www.pctools.com/registry-mechanic/

Is there anyone who is using these cleaners can share your experience? Which one is better? Or any other recommendations?

what is a good registry for vista i have ccleaner it keep finding 4 things i cant remove and i have registry mechanic 6 full piad for it keeps finding 72 things but can detele them so whats a good registry cleaner that cleans ever thing

I am using Registry Mechanic 6.0.Lately, it has not repaired all the errors. For example, I will scan. It finds 3 errors. I delete them and then run the scan again. It finds the exact 3 errors again. After running this 3 times, I am wondering if I need to change registry cleaners or just go without. Is it absolutely necessary to have a registry cleaner if I’m using Windows XP sp2 and do the maintenance on a routine basis?

Can anyone help me,I have a registry Cleaner and it keeps finding 2 problems in my deep scan,but will not remove them,Can Anyone tell me how to remove them.I have Registry Mechanic in case you need to know that.Thanks in advance.