This has happened before but it was always related to software. I have put no new software on. I have done a diagnostic and it says everything is ok. This is a Dell Inspiron 9300. My anti virus says no viruses and my spysweeper says no spyware. I did get a message a couple of days ago from my antivirus that said it had quarrantined something that could possibly be a virus. I deleted it and scans since then come up clear. I am also getting a message from my fire wall that says something about ICMP Echo Request (‘Ping’) from (IP addy) and it’s blocking it. Any ideas?
I use avg antivirus, spysweeper, and zone alarm firewall.

How do I increase windows xp boot-up time. I have cleaned the programs from the start-up list. only comodo firewall and nvidia driver components are there.
Cleaned my PC from anti-virus, spyware and other malware.
Cleaned my registry.
Defragmented the registry and the hard drives.
Disabled unneeded devices.
But still my boot-up time is 1 minute. From the moment of the POST message to the usable desktop.
PC specs:
Intel p4 ht 3.20GHz.
Nvidia Ge force 6600.
D945GNT motherboard.
160GB hard drive space.
Already used Advanced windows care and disabled the floppy drive seeking.

It’s an older desktop( Dell ) with Window’s 98 plus. I’ve deleted files, cookies. and history, but it runs slow and locks up a lot. Is there software to erase all data down to the operating system so as to start all over? Spyware Dr. says there is no virus. What would be a reasonable price to have it done? I’ve been told 0 by an IT.

I can not get ride of rootkit pop up ,I know it is sort of virus or spyware
but According to Norton ,and Microsoft I have to scan , It will not let my Norton to scan, also tried some of those Malware or Registry cleaning programs either they do not work or they are not effective ,any IDEA ??please help
my operating system in Windows VISTA

Do registry cleaners actually work and if so, which is the best and what is the best spyware/adware dectection and removal progrms? Does webroot spy sweeper incorporate a registry cleaner? How do I know if I need a registry cleaner? The computers seem to work will and after using selective start up they boot faster but a program KBD.EXE occasionally fails on the desktop. I have downloaded two registry cleaners and of course both say that the registry needs to be cleaned and I am concerned this is all a sort of scam. I now have remnants of these registry cleaners in my start up program, which I have disabled but I want to know how to remove them from the start up list. Thank you for your help.