I accidentally erased my recovery partition in my D-Drive on my new laptop and I am desperate to recover that information as I recently erased some sensitive information. I was not supplied with a system restore disc when I purchased this laptop but was given the suggestion that I burn my own. So can I gain anything by restoring my registry from a previous backup?
If I restore my Registry from a previous back up can I use that to bring back some files I accidentally erased
Anyone have a suggestion where I can download a free registry cleaner? Thanks for your help.
I need a free diagnostics software for my computer to tell me whats wrong weither its hardware or software?
any suggestion. And if its possible if it has some sort of windows program to make a software cd backup or whatever its called?
A good program to help clean up a slow computer?
I have had my computer for about 3 years and it is becoming slow because of registry errors and things of that nature. Does anyone have a good suggestion for a program that can help and clean up computer? I have a dell and I on XP. Thanks in advance.