What processes should be running in my task manager with no applications open? What is safe to remove?

Where is malicious software or folders commonly found and how do i remove these items?

I own a Toshiba Laptop if that helps. I got some things on here I would like to keep therefore I cant restore my harddrive. Thanks for your help guys.

I have a program that will not open because I keep getting this message: "This application has failed to start because hprog.dll was not found."

So I searched for a program to repair dll, but all of the ones I have found (like RegCure or ParetoLogic) will not work with my computer. I keep getting this message: "Please note: During the installation of this software on your computer, we have detected that your version of Windows is 64 bit. RegCure (or whatever other program) can only be installed on 32 bit versions of Windows. Please click the "OK" button below to discontinue installation." So is there ANY program out there that can repair dll on Vista??? I am having trouble finding one.

If anyone can please help me out, please include detailed instructions as I am not super technically savvy. Thanks in advance!
I was actually trying to open my security program, because I suspected a virus anyway… I think I might have it figured out now, but at least now I KNOW I have a virus…

Thanks for your help.

Anyone have a suggestion where I can download a free registry cleaner? Thanks for your help.

I am interested in getting started in computer repair. I have seen many computer diagnostic boards that you plug into a PCI slot. They will tell you if the motherboard, power supply, memory, processor, etc. are dead or dying. Anyone have any experience with these? I DO NOT want diagnostic software, I want information about a diagnostic CARD. Are these worth the money? Do they work? Can someone recommend a decent one? Thanks for your help!