I have been hearing that lime wire isn’t good because it an give you virus’s. If you have a good virus protection program would it be safe?

I need just about the best virus protection program there is? any recommendation? I have used Norton in the past and most recently used EZ Armor and was not happy with the EZ Armor at all. so now I am looking for something else. Please help me so my computer doesnt get infected. Thanks!

You see, I have two laptops. Between the two laptops, one has a virus protection whereas the other one doesn’t. I no longer have the McAfee’s (Antivirus) CD in my possession. So, Is it possible to send a Virus Protection program from one computer to another? If so, how?

Thanks a lot guys!

I use way too many unsafe programs. And currently don’t have a virus protection program. But I don’t want to ask my mom to pay for one.
Help please?

I just bought a new Sony computer and I need to purchase or download a virus protection program. I want to know which program you recommend and why. Thanks!
Please tell me WHY you think the program you recommend is the best out there…thanks! Also do you guys recommend downloading (pay), downloading (free) or purchasing? Why?