Is CCleaner a good one? Are there any others that can make my computer faster?

My system registry was cleaned using CCleaner.(This program is a freeware and downloaded from

In this process I lost all updates(something around 100 updates..) of windowsXP SP2,which is a pirated version.The updates are periodically down loaded from windows website

And I couldnot undo the action.

But my system is working normal even after loosing the updates listed in control panel>add remove program window.

My doubt is why CCleaner programs recommonded to remove the updates when they are part of widows XP operating program.

And what could be the consequenses I have to face because of the loss of updates in the future.

How do I increase windows xp boot-up time. I have cleaned the programs from the start-up list. only comodo firewall and nvidia driver components are there.
Cleaned my PC from anti-virus, spyware and other malware.
Cleaned my registry.
Defragmented the registry and the hard drives.
Disabled unneeded devices.
But still my boot-up time is 1 minute. From the moment of the POST message to the usable desktop.
PC specs:
Intel p4 ht 3.20GHz.
Nvidia Ge force 6600.
D945GNT motherboard.
160GB hard drive space.
Already used Advanced windows care and disabled the floppy drive seeking.

I saw the new “Aro 5” Registry Cleaner advertised today.
The free edition, like many others, offers to scan and fix 20 errors.

It scanned and found 1040 errors.

So what in a Registry is worth fixing, and what is just collected “junk”?

The choices are:
Active X and COM
Application Paths
File Types
Help Files
History Lists
Shared Files
Start Menu
Deep Scan
Current User

Are any of these cleaners actually worth their weight?

I have had a great response to my question on how to make my computer run faster but, all of these free downloads to clean my registry only give me my "Free Problems" but to clean is not free. Is there one that will clean the problems for free?