I have comcast high speed internet, and I’m using a ethernet cord. I’m a Linux person, but I’ve been needing to get windows XP working, so I have this computer with XP on it, fresh install, I need to find out how to get the internet working on it. I’ve been staring at the New Connection Wizard for 30 minutes now, fiddling with everything, how do I get this to work?

Comcast Internet, Ethernet cord going to a Router, router to the modem. Why can’t I get a wired connection?

I have had computers for the last 10 years and never used virus protection software. I do use a firewall, but I prefer hardware ones, as stuff like zonealarm just doesn’t work. And as of yet, I have never had a virus/worm/trojan which threatened the data on my PC.

PC World makes out that without McAffee or Norton, you WILL get a virus as SOON as you switch your modem on.

My ethernet light does not come on. My internet provider sent me a new modem but it still does not work. I had McAfee anti virus. When it expire, I tried to upgrade it but it did not work. I do not currently have any anti virus on the computer. I am so frustrated right now. I called a computer repair company that told me they would charge me 9.00 to check the computer and fix the problem. I can’t afford that right now.

Hi, I’m a service tech for software and digital systems (medium level nerd wizard, I still have alot to learn)

I have a situation where the internet works after bootup, obtains an IP address automaticaly for the ISP, the internet connection is through a high speed DLS modem.

When the internet is working, I checked the IP address and noted it. After hibernation, the IP has changed (all four value) and it is out of range. The subnet mask has also changed, and of course the gateway.

I tried the usual diagnostic processes, checked my internet settings, repaired connection, disabled/enabled connection, ipconfig /release followed by ipconfig /renew, all with no success. In a moment of desperation I even tried to define the IP address manually within the old range, that does not work either.

I have read the similar questions on this issue, and most of the answers included changing settings so the computer does not hibernate or hibernates less frequently. In this case, that is not going to be a satisfactory solution to my problem.

I just created my yahoo answers account, so I probably dont deserve any help, but if one of you genuises can help me out here, I promise to re-contribute to the good karma fund, and to smile and be nice to everyone I see for the rest of the day. *tailgaters and idiot drivers not included.

Thanks for reading.

I use a laptop and a wireless router connected to the modem hubby uses for his desktop. This morning I downloaded a registry cleaner program. He says since I did that, his computer keeps going to the internet interrupting what he’s doing. The program is on MY hard drive. I don’t think it should affect his computer. Comments?