I bought my laptop with Windows XP Media Center installed on it. I didn’t get any sort of backup software or repair discs, and I was wondering how to clean out the hard drive but still have the OS left. I pretty much want the same end product as if I were to install the operating system in a blank hard drive. Is this possible?

how can i wipe out my hard drive to do a clean install of windows xp?

i believe it has something to do with a driver installed? how do you fix this problem. we had it looked at and was told to run our windows software to repair it, but we are unsure how to get to repair. we are using windows xp home edition, i believe 2000 any suggestions, thanks!!

Okay I understand that because I have defragmented my computer
Windows XP…that I may not get rid of things that need to be removed
Temp folders etc..Do I need these folders? I don’t want to remove anything I have no disk for this computer and am trying to clean up all the crap (porns)etc that have been put on this system any suggestions….PLZ don’t make me tear it up !!!

how do i find ANY obsolete software in my pc, running windows XP