i recentaly installed windows xp pro overtop of xp home. and even though i had to setup all new user accounts it kep all of my old crap on the hard drive. is there an easy way to get rid of all my old stuff without formating
windows xp clean install?
What is the best way to clean up my computer?
I just got new computer and I’m sending my old one to my dad. It doesn’t run terribly, but I know there is a lot on there that is slowing it down.
I’d like to just do system restore and put it back to the way it came, but I can’t find the disk. Any advice would be appreciated!
How to clean a pc that was infected with a brontoc virus?
Hello guys, could u pls help me out with this?? I’ve found out that my pc was infected with brontoc. I’ve noticed that the folder option in the tools menu was missing and after I execute the run on the start button, my pc is restarting even though I didnt do restarting…What antivirus software is suited for this?? could u pls provide me an antivirus that cleans brontoc and at the same time free of charge or no subcription is needed…..thanks
How do I clean up my computer before selling it?
And I don’t mean wiping the dust off. How do I clean it up so the person I sell it to can’t access my personal information (such as account numbers, risque pics of my girlfriend, etc.)?
How do you really clean your computer and protect my computer from spys?
I saw that there was spy ware someone can use to monitor your emails, chat, and deleted files. I would like to keep my personal life private without someone ever being able to scan my computer and find private emails, chat or deleted files. If I could find some software to detect if some has installed such software on my computer that would be great, free if possible. I also would like to know the best software to use to clean your computer of all items for safety.
I think I may have not been clear to most. I would like to make sure that no person could gain access to my hard drive and see where I have been or find deleted files. I know that when you delete files they are still on your computer. I would like to know how to make sure they are really gone, and there is no path left to find them or fine any real history. My computer has anti virus protection and it is running greatly. I was stunned to find out how simple it is for criminals, your spouse, boss, employees or hackers to install key logger type spy programs on your computer and watch your every move. Spy software is so easy to install and use, it can turn any eight year old into a seasoned hacker! They have even come out with "hybrid spy software" which disguises itself as an E-Greeting card! The moment you open it you’re infected! These are the things I worry about.